How does SOO work?
 2020-12-30 09:59:29   webituk
Hi guys, sorry if this has been answered somewhere else but I can't find it.

For example, if I have 3.0 skill and use 1 stone, does it become 2.6 or does it completely delete the skill?

I hope it deletes the skill fully, otherwise it's going to be 18x SOO to delete a useless skill I learned. 

Thank you

  EASYYY2021-01-05 13:19:01
just one skill
2-6 -> 2-5
if it is not lvl 3,4 and lvl2 skills? i will rather delete the character
  [GM]Matte2021-01-18 16:46:28
It decrease the 1 skill from the skill that you have already learned.
As @EASYYY Mentioned. Skill 1-6 to 1-5.
We dont recommend to use it unless it is over lvl3.
Because with auto level it is easier to just re-create the character if level is low.