about Exp waste from 3rd Years Event
 2020-04-06 08:35:31   Atlantis
Below message from GM.

"Admin is checking this issue. We will check if there is a bug or a problem caused by the time difference between countries. For now, we recommend you to create a new character and get rewarded.
Sorry about the inconvenience."

GM, how about exp from event quest? Although just less exp from quest but will waste it if created new character to solve it, am i right? Any compensation instead of "Sorry about the inconvenience"?

I am one of the player who cant retake mission.

  Atlantis2020-04-06 09:56:33
Detail can refer to topic from "3year event is not daily in most of all users." which posted by the other player, i create this new Post to prevent GM didnt read my message if i use post reply from "3year event is not daily in most of all users"
  inefabilIis2020-04-06 12:12:33
They say its isolate for all emails from users but, i also cant make the quest again with same char... even if arldy past 24h.....

  inefabilIis2020-04-06 12:12:56
and i see many ppl with this problem....
  FluffyBastrd2020-04-06 17:30:28
Not just exp but also medals.
  Atlantis2020-04-06 19:51:33
yes, you are right, but seem like GM didnt notice about this. hope GM can give us (who are affected) some compensation about this issue.
  Atlantis2020-04-08 22:47:38
where are GM? nothing to said about this bug?