GM atleast you can have idea with this POST
 2023-01-01 12:09:20   asdas123
The event we're looking for is
Just like old time event for the previous admin (In the 1st-2nd year of the game was opened) 

1.PvP event 1pt vs 1pt atleast once every season which will be rewarded

Lv94 10 vs 10
Top1 = 10k points + 50 bm
Top2 = 5k points = 30 bm
Top3 = 3k points

and  500 points to all participant team

2. Atleast once every season Medal event where u can buy Pots / fehu  and any other premium items w/ discounted price through medal store.

3. Blackmarket event should be once every season also
instead you have to make event for boss killing event that gives A+ with higher chance. People love PvP while Bk also

Map1-Map2 = Boss respawn every 6hrs
Map3-Map5 = Boss respawn every 12hrs

4. Make the auto-level thing become event also just like old time - once every season that is good for 1 week

5. Silver KEYS event (once every season good for 1 week) - that is good only for higher monster e.g) Map4 - Pulkan , Minatimi , Tiger , Boar , bear , kiletes and any other higher mobs that can be found in N, NE , NW Caernarvon

You have to become generous also atleast once every season lol.

  BadServer2023-01-01 20:10:19
GM just want your cash...
GM wont do event
  BadServer2023-01-01 20:11:32
Event always the same.
Blackmarket , Drop rate increase, 1m Gold, Gold ticket, Silver box. War Medal Increase.
What Else tell me??
  GmScammer2023-01-02 00:23:10
hahah @asdas123 dont be so naive, this gm only gonna make events that give him dollars bro. He dont care if players having fun or not.
The funny thing is that everytime same event and always the same dumb people keep buying points.
  GmScammer2023-01-02 00:24:28
You dont realize how it works ? He made a post saying they going to make new and fun events.. 3 days laters he open the facking same blackmarket A event hahahah
  GMT1002023-01-02 20:24:53
the best update that GM can give to players is only A blackmarket with 1% chance. STOP DREAMING BOY