Stupid kr no ball coward
 2020-09-17 23:00:38   fewfseffdsfe
no ball kr complain too much always crying

just leave and the server will be closed

ya'll stupid kr want that isnt it?

  fewfseffdsfe2020-09-17 23:03:02
2months ago kr always more then mk (KR 70 Vs MK 5x) and won
now? Mk start to win? they boycott and complain
wtf? so childish still have mother's milk on lips
go cry
  Evo33332020-09-18 00:41:10
yes kr now complain mk more then kr in war hahaha so funny

kr go unistall ur row
  sad21341k42020-09-18 05:56:11
kr just want win always kk . cry cry cry a river
  thatsright2020-09-18 10:08:12
There are users crying, but not every KR is like that
and there are still KR joining war like how we did when we lost war.
  Rico9672020-09-18 14:12:37
Ya , Kr, we no ball what to do ... You Mk mother fucker play yourselves la, what you all want complaint ... Don't want to play also cannot ?
  abduljakol2020-09-18 19:39:32
hehehe..correct, when kr lose war..they aggressively hunting map5,.but they are lv89 ,kr always disturb me in farming like p______o,q_________e,g_____c,etc..(i dont want to mention the name.)but they failed to kill me..they cry and call more backup..hahaha,,shame on you
  NickHandsome2020-09-18 20:35:34
Just play bro ..trash talk like this cant change any scene ...better for this moment farming make item keep upgrade your char ...happy play bro meed to be toxic