Main Rules of ROW(with KS)
 2022-04-01 14:33:43   [GM]Master

[General Rule]

1. The penalty of Monster Steal, Hunting interference. 

(1) In the case of a report, regardless of offender/ victim, both accounts will be suspended for 10 days (except for general field battles between users). 

(2) Those who frequently and intentionally cause such disputes will permanently suspend all related accounts. 

(3) *** Someone may have interfered with another user using farming, and other users may feel disturbed. In this case, you can either give up your spot or might report each other. The operation team recommends users to report without disturbing/ fight with other characters. Characters that received a lot of reports will be known as intentionally disturbing others. Those users will be permanently suspended.

2. Report on the character who continues farming in the form of the workshop (difficult to find a place to farm)

(1) When the operation team detect the workshop user, all related account will be banned permanently (Continuous farming in the same area, etc.)

(2) A Workshop is a case where the same character is repeatedly access to the game and only farm and has transactions with others frequently. 

(3) *** For gold sellers, all related account will be permanently suspended (operation team directly checks the community or receive the report from the users) 

* Do not push personal stall.

* Do not push other users from the protected area to kill it.

* Do not use auto click to farm.

* Do not use any other program to get the advantage. (permanently suspended with all related accounts)

* We recommend users not to trade or borrow account (We do not give protection for any damages)

*100M EXPCrystal ball and 3 kinds of Accessories are available in Medal shop(Map 1).

  (You will be able to level up only by Lv. 1 with the EXP CrystalBall.  Recommended for the character of Lv.60 or above)

[War Rule]

* We will ban the user permanently when the user is detected from using bot in the war. 

* If the user frequently log out after get killed from the battle to ruin ratio of battle will be warned and permanent ban after warning.

* The non-participate user at war will be warned at first time and will be banned permanently after warning. Users enter war at last 5 minutes will not apply.  

-The reward will be given to the first user who reports. 

-All the related accounts will be banned.

Thank you 

Best Regard/ ROW Team