1st Dec. Event Open
 2021-11-29 10:33:21   [GM]Human


Thank you for supporting ROW.

We are now opening December event.

We’ve maintained the max level as 93 for quite a long time.

We will increase the maximum level to 94 due to intensified combats between races.

Also, evolution series items, which used to be available in item slots in game, are temporarily available in web drawing.

Moreover, we will open advertisement event.

We are trying to serve more users as well as returning users with online advertisement that is worth $50,000.

1. Max level increased to 94

2. Users can get normal gems and evolution accessories (attack, defense, magic) from web drawing. There is a very slim chance that you can get evolution accessories.

3. The effect of stun skill will decrease. As part of the effort, first we adjusted the range of purification from the whole party to the whole race for both races.

*Stun skill may be adjusted again in the future based on the performances on the war.

December event will be updated every week, and we will prepare for various events including the year-end event.

Thank you.


Regards/ROW Team