Archer skills problem?
 2021-02-03 23:44:12   Daddyx
Hi, as far as i know, archer invi wont cancel while casting snipping. But my invi cancels upon casting snipping. Have i done something wrong? 

Also, multiple arrow skill should be AOE effect isn’t it? Now it’s single target? Wtf. 

Please guide me. Thanks. 

  dokonaniak2021-02-20 23:17:49
1. here on this ROW server archers/gunners boom cancel invi while charging skill
2. here on this ROW server multiple arrow skill is single target
3. not available
  desertking2021-03-02 19:40:10
On this server gunners and archer are nerfed to ground. I have complained about this more than once. You need to invest hundreds to thousands of dollars for full evo attack and good gun/bow and then you can't camo while casting, your cast will always be interrupted. You can't 1-hit warrior, defender, sorcer, enchanter, cleric, priest. At least if it is a not na newbie build. Especially cleric are a pain because they stun you all the time. They out heal almost everything. Archer and gunner needs a big damage buff or another skill. Like "shotgun" for AOE or special abilities to kill priest, cleric in one hit as a counterpart to all those outheal and stun. But they change things so slowly in this game and nothing happened the last 6 month I played. Gunner / Archer didn't even get new Outfit which is highly needed. Some crit outfit with 50-100 crit or some hp outift with 1000-2000 hp to match the other classes. Also a 2nd Attack skill is highly needed for gunner. Only got one unless you coun't Fast Hit as one.