Letter from DepA
 2023-02-28 16:14:05   DepaKavila
Dear GM,

Reading the last one too event i understand that things go on to help and get stronger the MK race.

I can understand you and your team try to make balance the server but i feeling with these methods(events etc.) its look's like KR ''punishment'' because we are stronger.

''Stronger'' means we play more hours/donate more and we are more focus.. So? where is a good ''gift-event'' for hardcore players like us? :/

We are boring wait when MK grow up and we loose our passion with SW fight all time mk1....

Its not a solution KR spend hours and hours make top items and pvp strategy and then you and your team coming and make only event for MK's..

So what next? Kr we will waiting until Mk ''play'' blackmarket cheaper ?That's a fair ''event'' for Kr?

Where is the reward for the Kr side when we play 24/7 ?

I am very disappointed and i wait a solution so KR have a meaning to play..(or we can log out 6 months till MK storng enough..)

P.s. This e-mail is not going ''bully'' MK (''KR is stronger bla bla''

neverminded these..my problem is not the MK players here) This e-mail going to read the GM and his team.

We need GM protect and hardcore players too, we BORING that's all..

Than you in advance


  CynduCyndu2023-02-28 17:31:00
Dear GM,
please hear DepA...
He always remind people 30 mins to CHECK POTS !
He became your best friend to player to pay for buying your potions...
Game is getting boring and we as KR only got nerfed while we are spending our money and times upgrading items..

Thank you and best regards,
  papardolari2023-03-01 18:44:10
Dear GM,
I'm a long time MK and I understand the unfairness that KR feels about the event. Please hear them. We are enemies in the game but are one community that keeps the game alive.
  asldfhasldf2023-03-01 21:50:05
They pretend to listen to opinions and try to operate only on their own terms.
  Dumbiest2023-03-03 04:03:15
ahahhaah this game wont change at all. Gm WONT listen to you guys.. he only listen to his korean friends who buy AAA+++++++++++++ itens from them with USD. Ex: Ambition
  Rico9672023-03-23 08:57:53
Check pot