March Event
 2023-02-28 09:24:19   sd74sd3
Before GM announce the event, let me tell u that March event is web draw, black smith up, monster drop up. But actually maybe 0.01% up.GM only care about your USD. Please charge point 1000 USD.GM need money for Miami vacation. Many id suspend cases still no solve. Email no reply. Only make money event.
  Miguel20172023-02-28 11:49:46
I got you mate and it's no lie about it, Game Master will care about the income they can get from their service but in order to do that they need to create new content "Events, items, etc..." In order to make the user interested and spend their money to keep it going. Still no one is obligated in playing it on Premium Items and you can always archieve the top with hard work if you have the time to do so, otherwise just take it easy.
I got you a tip, don't expect nothing from RoW Operations team at the moment in order to clear up any disappointments, it feels empty, the community keeps playing the game but they know it.
Use a translator and check
Even on their other Chinese Website you can see users complaining about it over and over, no matter what, little changes they do to keep it going.