GM I want to ask you a question in a real sense
 2023-01-08 14:27:10   Korneymy
do you know what has changed in this game for 6 seasons?

for example, if we take the ichman server, there was no S-element there, and there are friends who abuse this S-element, these are Filipino friends.There are people in the game who are willing to farm, just trade and actually spend this money..although I am the best player in this game, things are getting difficult, all our efforts will be in vain, and moreover, these are the people who are entering the can MK win when they are there?? my advice to you is that I would be in favor of completely removing the S element from the game.thanks to the whole team in advance..

  ohligei2023-01-08 16:00:52
What is S element?
  Korneymy2023-01-08 16:04:10
S item
  BadServer2023-01-08 16:11:07
Why remove it?? is because your AAA item cant sell? or what reason?
  Korneymy2023-01-08 16:14:26
if you read my articles well, you will understand what I mean. i'm playing this game for pleasure for pleasure, not to sell items.that's why the guys with S-item have no business on this server, or they won't enter the WAR, it's that simple.
  BadServer2023-01-08 16:26:30
So your meaning is same as Rage and ARchone .. dont let S-set player in war??
And Because of S-set player in war make MK War lose every time? thats what u mean???
in between this 1 year, all SW time dont have any player shout that 94 Pro 80/75 set player cant in war... even gm block all S set in war, is there confirm MK can win war?? 100% win??
If there are player that with 90 lvl set A and not wearing S set.. They can join war?
  BadServer2023-01-08 16:31:21
Alot player move from Mk to KR is because player attitude problem.. not because of S-set..
  Korneymy2023-01-08 16:54:50
you may be right about what you're saying, but we don't want to see S as a team, why would they change the fate of the war, besides, you think kr is strong, they only have one team, that's all.I want to play a fair game, but from here the GM gives suggestions on how to take action bulunuyorum..MK don't be afraid, KR is not that strong.
  Korneymy2023-01-08 16:58:57
S item is a very big problem in this game, it needs to be removed immediately, then the KR will not be able to register fame :)
  BadServer2023-01-08 17:03:00
who do you means we?? please mention name ...

  BadServer2023-01-08 17:05:04
i help you
please fill up
  BadServer2023-01-08 17:10:09
For me KR is strong.. this the reason MK can grow more stronger ..
  Korneymy2023-01-08 18:04:25
cry you baby :D
  Korneymy2023-01-08 18:05:27
sooner or later, S item will get up, you will beg because MK is not taking us out of c1, you were like that until yesterday, I wonder what has changed?
  BadServer2023-01-08 18:11:06
until the end still no one support your post.. hahaha
  BadServer2023-01-08 18:13:44
we are not beggar like u ^^.
Crying , shouting barking begging GM remove S set .. hahahaa
  Korneymy2023-01-08 18:14:22
you're a schizophrenic with a bad personality.
  BadServer2023-01-08 18:25:11
you are the one who start begging crying GM mama...
you're a schizophrenic with a bad personality from the first u start post this articles.. behave yourself before saying other
  BadServer2023-01-08 18:27:02
pity you.. no one supporting you and your articles ... feel sad for you
  BadServer2023-01-08 18:28:58
keep it up.. you can do it
  ejderyaa2023-01-08 19:09:06
OMGG , I'm really shocked .. I was very surprised when someone other than me told the truth .. I don't know who you are but I support you with all my heart ..the truth is that MK side is always full of people selling money , whenever this changes with real players then MK side will be very nice...
  itemmmm2023-01-08 21:50:14
yeah remove S item to war u see kr got alot peaple S item ?
  BugBughehe2023-01-08 23:01:23
Korneymy and all other turk big mouth should quit, mk will love it.
your days is coming to end
  BadServer2023-01-08 23:10:14
Nia Seng RAGE.. u post what shxt??? i want you post here that which player wanna remove S set.. not FB shxt thing..
Damn Ferrik.. you dont understand english dint you?? Niama really talking to 2 KIds RAge and Archone.. Quit game please... No one Like u two at all
  Korneymy2023-01-09 00:46:01
as long as there are idiots like you, we Turks will pass through you, don't worry, we are always enough for us.if you are very confident, gather yourself a hodri challenge, come and join the team, will you be completely deleted in the defeated game, are you losers?
  BadServer2023-01-09 01:07:02
You still dont get it dont you????... NO one like both of you in game... please ... behave your self pleasee...
  niceperson2023-01-09 05:25:49
But u never ask GM to remove S set when MK alway play kr1 and win everyday war last time. U just wake up from your death?
  GMT1002023-01-09 13:27:28
S set is supposedly to help newbies for farm not for war, from the very beginning it is made for newbies to help them grow and make items however some people used it for years now both war and farm. It would be best if there's any restriction to this items that can't be able to join war.
  BadServer2023-01-09 17:02:48
S set have a minimum A state Def like 75/80 ..Why cant everyone use for war??? Funny.. Player item still create half way.. if they have S set and willing to help war .. Why not???? Every time you guys keep complain War less mk less kr.. But now have new player join sw for help with S set.. and you all complain them again... WTFFFFF
First complain no player.. Now have new player join SW. Than you complain wearing Noob S set for war???
OMG what you want seriously????
  GMT1002023-01-09 20:24:52
Ok u think u can help war using S set with kr? Correct me if im wrong u alwys die in 1hit. U think u can kill using S set? U join using S set u let kr strong join also. But i dont blame u if u wanna join war. I know u just wanna have some fub but expect higher chance of losing when there are many mk using S set in war. Its not funny at all in the losing side. There are still old players trying to fight kr but no matter what try they do, still cant do anything due to items imbalance.
  Dumbiest2023-01-09 21:32:27
stop discussing.. the reality is that there is ALOT players using bugged itens. S set cant be 600 def 3k hp... doenst matter they will bug again and make itens stronger. and S set will become shit as usual. The bug item maker still playing without any problem
  BadServer2023-01-09 22:21:23
Why not.. There alot 94 Lvl player Wearing S set with costume tooo.. go fark with them..
  BadServer2023-01-09 22:41:57
No S set you confirm win the war?? you sure??
  BadServer2023-01-09 22:46:18
come let me know which side u are?
i wanna see If no S set u can confirm can win the war.. come
  BadServer2023-01-09 22:48:32
if No S set player in war you still lose war than how??
  Korneymy2023-01-10 00:58:51
i don't agree with what they're talking about, you're not the one who's going to decide these things quarterback (GM). You say that the S element stands for easy farm, but we want even the 95 Lv on the old ichman server to have some charm in this game, because no one could easily turn into 95 easily..the levels should become harder, the automatic lvl should take off, all the items should be deleted, then the game becomes fair and worthwhile, because you are fighting for the goal that you can not easily reach, and you spend more time. then the game becomes more meaningful.that's all we need.
  speedrec2023-01-10 02:29:59
archone says "if you dont like please quit dont make empty here"
  BadServer2023-01-10 05:54:21
Are you his pet?? why dont that dog come out bark it self??
  Phdoog2023-01-10 16:41:58
Angry @BadServer

Maybe you are 1 ph farmer who play only for $. farmtoeat , this people join war with noob set 1-2hit die that makes the game unbalance :/
  DOGGYDOG2023-01-10 17:32:52
DOG talk about how strong they are and how weak is S set,everyone has right to commentson someone but not until you insult someone and humiliated someone openly in public,as DOG claims that.. They are so great why still losing so bad like DOG, bet in DOG team also have BUG items...

  BadServer2023-01-10 17:40:45
Phdoog is Rage & Archone second pet. ^^ many pets they have???
wow now start racist attack hahaha
  DOGGYDOG2023-01-10 17:45:36
1 master of DOG and the rest following is pet,both DOG face and bark like TOP DOG.
  DOGGYDOG2023-01-10 17:48:23
When KR many S set DOG happy, when fall MK side he barks coz no easy medals. Hahaha
  Phdoog2023-01-10 21:55:42
kk nvm just use S set forever ^^
have fun user ~ 1hit die. kk enjoy yourself getting 1hit KO. kk