Reinstalling ROW
 2023-01-06 02:26:56   fel007

My friend did a reinsatall and after reinstalling the game it wont go past login screen... after uninstall we deleted row from registry and gamequard also but still same. Any advice?

  MaxPower2023-01-06 02:47:57
Use "launcher.exe" (the blue one), not "login.exe" (the grey one) whenever there is an update
  fel0072023-01-06 02:52:35
no thats not it. still after login it closes game
  fel0072023-01-06 02:57:50
manual update fixed it.
  rlaxotls2023-01-06 03:53:14
  rlaxotls2023-01-07 19:07:59