GM please clarify about auto farm, thank you
 2022-10-28 23:25:58   runestar
If those characters auto follow a damage dealer while he farming for leeching free exp, is it count as auto farming ?  
  [GM]Human2022-10-31 11:51:22
If you intentionally follow and get a item or exp, it can be considered a bot.

Thank you.
  Jenny922022-10-31 14:12:38
so can or cannot ??
  [GM]Human2022-10-31 15:44:32
Please don't do it because it might be misunderstood as a bot.
  Dakutiil2022-10-31 19:10:07
realy gm just follow to get exp and might get banned? wtf
  Jenny922022-10-31 19:23:06
ya lor , i playing support no damage how to farm ?
Now no people group lvling
I am new player
  niceperson2022-11-01 00:48:21
PLease clarify GM how can we know its a bot or not?
  niceperson2022-11-01 22:48:14
If farm cannot use bot.. how about in statue war? any monitoring from GM? or GM only sitting making live feed and buy airpod??