Why, always, does GM only update for MK?
 2022-10-07 11:20:21   dpscksxjsdf
Isn't it too bad?
  5sd63s6d2022-10-07 11:38:22
what u say dude?? look like reduce the exp boost is help mk?? WTF. Or ucry cant get exp boost for ur bot?(lvl80~93)
  dpscksxjsdf2022-10-07 11:53:41
Why do you think there are only bots? Are there any new users?
Why can't you think of two things?
  dpscksxjsdf2022-10-07 11:54:54
Updates are a selfish idea of users like you.
  5sd63s6d2022-10-07 11:54:57
i just mentioned that no let new player feel easy lvl up then play KR then MK.
  5sd63s6d2022-10-07 11:55:36
  KRBULLIER2022-10-07 12:15:03
@5sd63s6d stop talking go lvl up, it seems you need it
  5sd63s6d2022-10-07 12:20:25
@KRBULLIER, then u also stop say today update is useless and help mk dude
  KRBULLIER2022-10-07 12:36:56
But todays update was useless if you think of helping mk point.
If you want help mk go make itens..
  KRBULLIER2022-10-07 12:37:48
Or you can just wait next update, probably will be something helping mk again..
  5sd63s6d2022-10-07 12:42:10
@as i say, dont say is useless.. the next update no happen then dont say helping mk again. Dont think that today update is helping mk.
  5sd63s6d2022-10-07 12:43:25
Just reduce although just a little bit for MK dying only.
  dpscksxjsdf2022-10-07 17:25:41
If this is the case, please do a KR > MK converter.
Now MK40 KR 60 > KR 10ppl converter
after MK 50 KR 50
the most efficient choice
  5sd63s6d2022-10-07 19:27:17
100% agree
  [GM]Human2022-10-26 08:54:57
Thank you for your comments.

If you have any other questions, please contact email.
  kmazzulmin2022-11-11 21:29:54
just simple problem,MK to poor just make this game for money, KR 90% play for upgrade item, just game play+ item to low MK side. zzzz