SW Tower Exp Boost
 2022-09-27 17:05:08   5sd63s6d
Does GM take any solution for MK nation? Since long time ago, the SW tower boost 70% will win by KR, then HOW to motivate new MK player to up their level ?Eventually the MK nation will no have new player join. 
  5sd63s6d2022-09-27 17:16:08
3 TOWER +240% exp boost. Many high lvl KR, NO 1 like join the losing nation if the problem no solve.
  5sd63s6d2022-09-27 17:17:53
GM if cant solve the problem, please remove exp boost tower. to reduce the lvl gap between MK and kR.
  baleno2022-09-27 22:04:21
many new players give up on mk because of difficulty getting exp boost tower.. KR too often gets 3 towers, mk will become extinct.. very unequal population of KR and MK at this time, this is very worrying.. please solve the problem..
  asdadasda2022-09-27 22:59:52
since GM cant fixed the problem, please remove sw tower exp boost. reduce level gap between KR and mk
  debuss2022-09-27 23:17:19
To many "pro" player at MK thats have unstable mental and often trash talk in sw. I think they have unhappy life. hope their life get better and they can feel happines again.
  KRBULLIER2022-09-28 00:23:29
@debuss, that Turk gang always trash talk, they never happy .. now a days they are the server crying champions. Now Kr can easily join war but attacker/gunner/rune got strength boost, as they keep crying about KRvsMK numbers. Please ignore them and move on, mk need more players, don’t give up.
  5sd63s6d2022-09-28 09:03:38
MK skill got boost and KR more player in, the quantity of player need double verify. the main issue is the tower exp boost always taken by KR then this will will MK nation dying. How to increase new player around lvl 82~lvl 93 up? this will continue make MK nation dying. For reduce the lvl gap, i propose remove the exp boost tower.
  [GM]Human2022-09-28 09:57:35
Thank you for your opinion.
  storybook2022-09-28 10:19:43
agree remove exp boost towers
  asdasdd12022-09-28 14:04:37
For increase the population of MK, i propose that increase the exp rate at map 4 & map 5 will be good. Faster achieve High lvl for the new player for both nation
  Jenny922022-09-28 19:55:09
Unfair my lv85 only
Pls don't remove
  okedokey2022-09-29 08:57:06
the problem is mk side to lazy make party lvling up :)))
  okedokey2022-09-29 09:01:24
my opinion :
for hunter dont kill/distrub party lvling low level mk/kr side, lets they free lvling up. You can kill who farming only.
  5sd63s6d2022-09-29 09:02:29
when KR take all the tower boost sure is easy up lvl, 240%
try dont log in sw take the exp boost and lvl up. then u can only say is MK lazy
  5sd63s6d2022-09-29 09:03:34
u will know how hard if no exp boost tower 80% each.
  5sd63s6d2022-09-29 09:04:27
no 1 new player will join the nation which is hard to lvl up doob

  5sd63s6d2022-09-29 09:05:23
some new player will half way quit MK due to hard lvl up
  5sd63s6d2022-09-29 09:07:12
IF gm cant solve the new player lvl gap between KR and MK, then remove sw tower boost. just enjoy fight either camp play
  Jenny922022-09-29 11:11:01
Ryl let people free farming ?
Tis not call ryl
Go play super Mario beter
  mcbeee2022-09-29 15:04:58
@5sd63s6d MK lazy form party lvling it doesn't relate to KR have tower boost or not. If the tower boost so important, why senior MK didn't try fight hard to get tower?? or at least not to let KR get tower. Now you ask KR low lv don't go lvling with tower boost......they participate in sw too, why they cannot enjoy the exp boost?? Why MK low lv cant get tower boost?? Nobody wan pt low lv in sw?? Or maybe other reasonssssssssss??
Some player from MK complaint 1.5 v 1 ratio in sw, all are high lv, 'PRO' KR dominate the sw. If that was true, how come low lv KR get tower boost?? MK settings is far more powerful than KR, it makes most of the MK players go solo if no ppl to form pt lvling. Or maybe they never have that thought to pt lvling since they able to manage the mobs to earn full drops??
  niceperson2022-09-29 16:42:51
After MK getting for power boost, now they need eliminate tower boost with a reason always KR winning tower. So easy for play MK getting every benefits. What next for MK? How fair is this for KR every hardwork for getting this benefits without asking or crying out loud from GM??
Need free top sets too from GM only then MK number will increase? So much benefits now playing MK. But still they less numbers. And we all know why MK very less populated. "They very ugly in everyyyy way." not to mention about all the bigmouth T .
  5sd63s6d2022-09-29 16:52:34
@mcbeee, the situation which MK loss the tower already long time and long time ago. Although MK get the att boost 30% but not the def. Dont forget KR get extra log in sw with 30~40%. dont always say that MK setting far more powerful than KR. NONSEENSE about this statement
  5sd63s6d2022-09-29 16:54:57
@niceperson as i say MK get att boost but not def boost, KR have extra log in sw with 30~40% player. now i propose remove the exp tower boost for sw war to reduce the lvl gap between MK and KR. This is far to both nation.
  5sd63s6d2022-09-29 17:03:20
typo: 1. Increases the number of people that can enter war by Human by 150% (ex, Human 15 vs Arkan 10)

2. Increase Ak'kan skill, Attacker's Shockwave, Gunner's Blast, and Run's Shock attack power to 120-140%.

P/S: ONLY 3 SKILL GOT BOOST , NOT ALL SKILL AND DEF. Extra 50% KR number, some time 70%. How come solve the problem
  5sd63s6d2022-09-29 17:04:48
Just ask remove above update, MK no need the 3 skill boost and KR also cant over log in SW. Just all waiting at PV.
  5sd63s6d2022-09-29 17:07:44
my concern is make all newbie player leveling with same situation. why KR always have benefit 80% 160& 240% of up lvl. Just remove the exp boost . Make it more fair to all new player.
  mcbeee2022-09-29 17:23:31
@5sd63s6d So you said that KR enjoy the tower boost ( MK loss the tower)
long time already. How long??? Before 1.5 v 1 ratio or after??? Don't forget, extra log in KR not all high lv, 'PRO' KR, low lv also log in sw and they really can't make mass impact on winning or losing. Unless senior player united them in pt, guide them the way to play in sw. Did MK do that?? I don't know...
  mcbeee2022-09-29 17:31:37
Child: Why he always have benefit candy of up lvl. Just remove his candy
Make it more fair to all new player. Because I don't have.
Teacher: He get good result in sw, that's the reward for them. It's open to
both of you.
  mcbeee2022-09-29 17:35:07
"They very ugly in everyyyy way." not to mention about all the bigmouth T.

@niceperson own the copyright of the quote, I don't, I just copy and re-use. Don't sue me......
  5sd63s6d2022-09-29 17:36:07
@mcbeee, in fact is SW is team work game. not pro also get alot of support. This help alot and alot. Dont denied it.
  mcbeee2022-09-29 17:38:09
5sd63s6d 2022-09-29 17:04:48
Just ask remove above update, MK no need the 3 skill boost and KR also cant over log in SW. Just all waiting at PV.

Your objective is very clear and ugly.....
  5sd63s6d2022-09-29 17:38:28
IF not make fair about the leveling situation, what will happen u should now. This is a dead cycle.
  5sd63s6d2022-09-29 17:39:53
@mcbeee, my objective start from beginning is 1 only. Remove sw exp boost for fair to 2 nation of new player.
  mcbeee2022-09-29 17:43:10
You should email GM make changes: MK can't fight KR with just att boost. Should boost up MK overall setting, dmg, skill, def, magic, speed, cri, block, evade, resist......etc
  5sd63s6d2022-09-29 17:46:47
@mcbeee, i already email GM just for remove exp boost from sw. This for fair to 2 nation new player
  mcbeee2022-09-29 17:48:05
Why remove exp boost?? 60 KR vs 40 MK in sw, how many low lvl KR enjoy that boost??

BTW I'm actually free now, can debate with you for 30 min.
  Pernaa2022-09-29 17:54:03
Leveling to 94 wont change anything if don't have great team work within guild pt, communication between guilds and also acceptable items.
All I see is GM always give MK benefit, but MK never appreciate.
I know for a fact KR always will find ways to improve when GM make changes that are not so good for KR.
  5sd63s6d2022-09-29 17:56:38
u know how many level gap between new player KR or MK I guess u should know or u pointing to ignore?
  5sd63s6d2022-09-29 17:57:45
Or how many new player join KR than MK due to the MK loss history? i guess u also know it just pointing to ignore.
  mcbeee2022-09-29 17:58:43
@Pernaa For those who don't want to move on, always want to stay in safe zone, don't want to accept challenge, quite hard to communicate......
  5sd63s6d2022-09-29 17:59:04
How many newbie MK quit and change to KR due to have extra 80% 160% 240% exp boost. This is the fact. All player Row know it
  5sd63s6d2022-09-29 18:01:42
So that i just propose make all new player with same situation of up lvl. Or GM can boost all map exp. Most Importance is both nation level up situation is same. For increase a little bit population of MK.
  mcbeee2022-09-29 18:10:19
@5sd63s6d Don't left your nation behind, help newbies. Be more positive thinking to motivate new player. You said many new MK players go KR side because of KR easy winning side, this kind of player they don't survive long. Don't forget, KR items more expensive than MK, how they survive in just using S set or even not making better items?? What @Pernaa said is true, without communication between players and guilds, can't make a splash in sw.
  mcbeee2022-09-29 18:20:31
Mk boost not only in sw, all map. Still have MK new player want to leave and join KR, as a senior player of MK, should review why ppl left. Low population of MK before new update, 1.5 v 1 ratio, already happened. Now You blame that tower boost was the reason......
  niceperson2022-09-29 18:23:09
Its never been about the tower boost problem. Its never about the power boost as a free meals for MK. And of coz for make it fair..KR get more number to get join in sw. Its always face problem. Itsss alwaaayysss been. U can keep searching it in MK comunity. T and P face problem. They never have what KR player most have. Where is the fun anymore if no more boost from tower u won in SW?? For fame gaining? Im sure u go hunt in every map.. u can get more than joining sw.
p/s : K face is the most handsome in the world. hahaha
  mcbeee2022-09-29 18:29:34
Early season start in June, sw was 6x vs 6x. After Baby team banned 8-10 ppl, MK still have around 50 ppl. But KR still the same, 6x. Nowadays sw getting harder for MK because less than 50 ppl join. How to get tower boost?? some more, if low lv join sw, will senior player help to glue them up?? Guide them play in sw??
  niceperson2022-09-29 18:32:32
And now they are asking for prohibited S set from enter SW. Hahahhaa.. face problemmm
  Pernaa2022-09-29 18:35:32
S set just cannot fight in sw.. 1 magic from sorc and they are nearly dead
  Pernaa2022-09-29 18:37:47
@mcbee. Right, guild leaders of MK need to unite players. Not complain
  5sd63s6d2022-09-29 18:44:36
winning site ppl sure talk like this. i also good at talk maybe better than all of you
  5sd63s6d2022-09-29 18:45:40
dont argue that sw exp boost will make MK nation more dying for new player join. this is the fact
  5sd63s6d2022-09-29 18:47:12
U all KR PRO sure not care about this problem. thinking that this is your home problem not me.
  mcbeee2022-09-29 18:47:28
From the very beginning, MK low population was a fact. But not that serious as you said. You feel hard to fight in sw just less MK join. Ask yourself, how many of your guildmates and other MK guilds join major sw??
  5sd63s6d2022-09-29 19:00:32
U feel no serious just because u not at MK side.. Positive thinker, As i say initially, if GM no change this situation. MK soon all dying. Especially new player. So that i propose just remove the exp boost and reduce the new player lvl gap. that all. NO effect for old and Pro player like you. Or MAYBE U WANT LOG IN UR BOT?
  mcbeee2022-09-29 19:09:42
5sd63s6d 2022-09-29 18:47:12
U all KR PRO sure not care about this problem. thinking that this is your home problem not me.

Why KR don't care?? KR care, doesn't mean have to sacrifice all to beneficial MK.

5sd63s6d 2022-09-29 18:45:40
dont argue that sw exp boost will make MK nation more dying for new player join. this is the fact

Before update, 1.5 v 1 ratio, MK population INCREASED???

5sd63s6d 2022-09-29 17:04:48
Just ask remove above update, MK no need the 3 skill boost and KR also cant over log in SW. Just all waiting at PV.

Bla Bla Bla, just don't want KR join sw. You don't want to join doesn't mean other (KR or MK) don't want to join too...
  Pernaa2022-09-29 19:18:49
I am sorry 5sd63s6d, maybe you are truly a new player to this game. Unfortunately getting to level 94 does not make you stronger if you don't have a decent equipment.
Maybe GM will listen to your suggestion and abolish exp tower and grant 240% boost to everyone all the time. But this will not change MK problem at the moment
  mcbeee2022-09-29 19:23:18
5sd63s6d 2022-09-29 19:00:32
U feel no serious just because u not at MK side.. Positive thinker, As i say initially, if GM no change this situation. MK soon all dying. Especially new player. So that i propose just remove the exp boost and reduce the new player lvl gap. that all. NO effect for old and Pro player like you. Or MAYBE U WANT LOG IN UR BOT?

So, no boost no need lvling?? Then MK new player thinking like you sure can't compete.
Defender consider a bot?? Before update my little defender already 85, now 87. How long I reach 87?? MONTHSSSSSS. No tower, 79-87, 90% solo. It depends the player want, or don't want. Tower boost just a bonus, you too rely on it, becoming no tower boost no lvlin......
Just hope not many new players thinking like yours...I know it hurts, but it's a fact too
  5sd63s6d2022-09-29 19:28:12
Fact is fact, u all at winning site. i already know many KR will say like this. but is fact too.
  5sd63s6d2022-09-29 19:29:12
MK already less population, now the exp boost and lvl gap will continue make the population more less. this fact. fact is fact
  mcbeee2022-09-29 19:50:48
Before update, 1.5 v 1 ratio, MK population INCREASED???

No boost no need lvling??

some more, if low lv join sw, will senior player help to glue them up?? Guide them play in sw??

Why remove exp boost?? 60 KR vs 40 MK in sw, how many low lvl KR enjoy that boost??

So many I asked, you don't want to reply at least one of them. Although I have my own, but I'm willing to listen too.
  niceperson2022-09-29 21:48:39
The main reason people join war is because boost from tower. And we need our pro player fight and help take tower for lower lvl player.
So i summon all old pro MK player.. come back fight for MK!!!
  5sd63s6d2022-09-29 23:04:44
@mcbeee, as you say 60 KR , u tell me how many is new player? if less then all is PRO player, the MK 3 skill boost only useless. 50% KR MORE IN SW is Pro player
  5sd63s6d2022-09-29 23:06:19
@niceperson, do u really call Pro MK back? why just now SW KR win 2 tower??
  5sd63s6d2022-09-29 23:08:51
All in SW just for PVP and earn medal, now the exp boost system already unbalance. Then just remove it. U all at win side, sure will say no problem and blar blar blar.
  niceperson2022-09-30 01:28:06
@5sd63s6d yes i know. We get 2 towers. Need more pro MK back for more fun war. Not everyday play at mk camp. Tired always need run to mk1 everyday. Pro MK all sleeping like a pig.
  5sd63s6d2022-09-30 12:04:34
just now lost again.KR 1 TOWER. That is no fair for low lvl MK. GM please remove exp tower for reduce lvl gap between KR and MK.
  mcbeee2022-09-30 15:50:10
5sd63s6d 2022-09-29 23:04:44
@mcbeee, as you say 60 KR , u tell me how many is new player? if less then all is PRO player, the MK 3 skill boost only useless. 50% KR MORE IN SW is Pro player

Halo, from the beginning you said exp tower unfair to MK low lv. Now you turn the other way said many high lv KR in SW??
You are the one who cried exp tower making unbalance this and that, but you can't show any evidence or stats.
60 vs 40 is just an example base on 1.5 v 1 ratio, specially for you, to tell us here in forum, how many low lv KR enjoy the exp boost then crack your so called newbie lvl gap balance!!!!!! 1? 2? 3? 4? 5? 6? 7? 8? 9? 10?
Another question, how many low lv MK effected????? All?????
In any competition of the world (earth), winner get rewards. that's common sense. Now you ask the official take off the rewards from the winner to fulfill your so call fair???
You from other world???

5sd63s6d 2022-09-29 17:04:48
Just ask remove above update, MK no need the 3 skill boost and KR also cant over log in SW. Just all waiting at PV.

Your objective is very clear and ugly.....disgusting too
  5sd63s6d2022-09-30 16:23:57
@mcbeee, really hard to communicate with you but i try. as say the fact is always take the sw exp tower and the new KR player is easy up lvl 80%160%240%..U know how easy of them. This is the fact. It also make new player of MK hard to lvl up compare with KR. No need i explain. This totally make unbalance lvl gap for new player. u should know much high lvl much hard to up.
  5sd63s6d2022-09-30 16:24:43
if u say no much new KR player, who know? u say only??
  5sd63s6d2022-09-30 16:26:22
dont forget almost 80% KR take the exp boost, 10% draw, 10% is MK take the boost. dont argue. this is the fact.
  5sd63s6d2022-09-30 16:28:21
as i say my objective is clear, if KR need more number in sw is fine, but just remove the exp boost tower. Dont make the lvl system of both nation unbalance. now already unbalance. Need to remove it now.

  mcbeee2022-09-30 17:02:01
mcbeee 2022-09-29 19:50:48
Before update, 1.5 v 1 ratio, MK population INCREASED???

No boost no need lvling??

some more, if low lv join sw, will senior player help to glue them up?? Guide them play in sw??

Why remove exp boost?? 60 KR vs 40 MK in sw, how many low lvl KR enjoy that boost??

So many I asked, you don't want to reply at least one of them. Although I have my own, but I'm willing to listen too.

  mcbeee2022-09-30 17:14:38
60 kr vs 40 mk. kr win 2 tower. 60 of them who participated in sw get tower boost. HOW MANY of them are new, low lv enjoy that tower boost?? I don't ask for accurate numbers, just estimate. Maybe 1? 2? 3? or more??
If only 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 enjoy that exp boost, what you cry for???
If 30 new, low lv KR win and enjoy that exp boost, what senior MK player done in sw?? 30 new low lv KR + 30 senior 'PRO' KR vs 40 senior MK and the result is KR get tower, should you review yourself.

mcbeee 2022-09-29 18:10:19
What @Pernaa said is true, without communication between players and guilds, can't make a splash in sw.
  5sd63s6d2022-09-30 17:34:24
Before update, 1.5 v 1 ratio, MK population INCREASED???
Answer: I dont have the data of it, unknow.
No boost no need lvling??
Answer: All new MK player will try lvling but hard. Many of them quit or no motivation to lvl up due to it.u should know how good 80%160%240% exp boost.
some more, if low lv join sw, will senior player help to glue them up?? Guide them play in sw??
Answer:This 1 i dont know, i will not comment about this.
Why remove exp boost?? 60 KR vs 40 MK in sw, how many low lvl KR enjoy that boost??
Answer: i am not KR player, i dont know how many of KR new player. But i think quit a lot. H SW is lvl 80~93 if i not mistake, all at this range of lvl got boost also

  5sd63s6d2022-09-30 17:37:39
@mcbeee, as i say, HSW is lvl 80~93, if KR win 2 tower, all player get the boost. I think only 10% of KR player is lvl 94, other is below. Then 90% all got the benefit of exp boost
  5sd63s6d2022-10-02 16:59:28
Gm, please remove sw exp boost
  5sd63s6d2022-10-03 09:19:15
GM, when remove the sw exp boost??
  S0RC3RER2022-10-05 17:54:10

Unfortunately by removing the sw exp boost will not improve the current situation.

There are 2 options to balance up the current situation:-
1) unban baby team (provided they will be back) or
2) offer KR to change side to MK (just like PublicOfficial had mentioned in discord)

That's the only way to bring back the population or balance up the population.
However, what Pernaa said is also true. Communication within the guild and between the population are very important. That's how KR remained strong for the past.
  mcbeee2022-10-05 19:18:41
5sd63s6d 2022-09-30 17:34:24
Before update, 1.5 v 1 ratio, MK population INCREASED???
Answer: I dont have the data of it, unknow.
No boost no need lvling??
Answer: All new MK player will try lvling but hard. Many of them quit or no motivation to lvl up due to it.u should know how good 80%160%240% exp boost.
some more, if low lv join sw, will senior player help to glue them up?? Guide them play in sw??
Answer:This 1 i dont know, i will not comment about this.
Why remove exp boost?? 60 KR vs 40 MK in sw, how many low lvl KR enjoy that boost??
Answer: i am not KR player, i dont know how many of KR new player. But i think quit a lot. H SW is lvl 80~93 if i not mistake, all at this range of lvl got boost also

5sd63s6d 2022-09-30 17:37:39
@mcbeee, as i say, HSW is lvl 80~93, if KR win 2 tower, all player get the boost. I think only 10% of KR player is lvl 94, other is below. Then 90% all got the benefit of exp boost

1. Before update, MK population increased or not you said you don't know......but you know this......only 10% of the sw participant is lv 94......

2. Real Life hard too, go on or not?? Beat them, or join them. Otherwise, you may choose to leave.

3. This one you still don't know, I doubt that you are MK player and active in joining sw.

4. Again, you still don't know......welcome to KR~~~

I suggest, you can go create a KR character, look into the ranking, you'll get some information. Most are max lv...
  mcbeee2022-10-05 19:30:33
5sd63s6d 2022-09-30 17:37:39
@mcbeee, as i say, HSW is lvl 80~93, if KR win 2 tower, all player get the boost. I think only 10% of KR player is lvl 94, other is below. Then 90% all got the benefit of exp boost

So, many KR pt lvling?? After sw, you can go check all map to prove it: wow, many 80-93 KR from just winning sw enjoy tower boost are lvling now.
  mcbeee2022-10-05 20:15:56
Anyhow, the exp boost wasn't so important to me. Just a symbol or marking that winning sw. If it really meant to you, or your beloved nation, try to win it back. Low population was one of the reason MK can't compete in sw. Average set MAYBE one of it too. Lack of willingness joining sw also another reason why MK hard to win. BUT ALL MENTIONED ABOVE NOT A REASON WHY GM SHOULD REMOVE SW EXP BOOST.
  Pernaa2022-10-06 14:22:26
Lvl gap is not the reason mk cannot win.
If you are level 94 with basic item and no communication with rest of mk, there will be no impact at all.