For All Pro MK
 2022-09-17 17:42:01   okedokey

For all pro mk :

Never ask all mk to enter war if after they enter you punish them with low levels, non-pro items, how to play them and others. Let them play and feel their own shortcomings. I'm sure they want to go pro, but it takes time.

Remember you play long here can't be compared with new players who are level 80++ who play for a weeks or a months.

Better you help them to get tower or make party lvling  80++ if you care for mk race

Lets play for fun

  eellee2022-09-18 04:16:05
I feel... playing at MK need strong mental. ccc
But there are reasons behind.

We support new players or at least people that still put effort to be strong.
There are some players that don't make items, don't use pot, etc.
These players are cancer.

The time I play this game, I feel being cold is the best. ccc (I hope this "curse" can end)
But it's ok. Be persistence and build the trust.

To new players,
Enjoy the game and Fighting !
  Rico9672022-09-21 16:25:13
Zzz, all this happened after Baby hack team get caught ... Mk down ...
  debuss2022-09-27 13:03:39
dont expect someone play for fun if their real life is already unhappy life. you can see how they have happy life or not with their attitude. people with trash mouth usually stress people thats usually will got stroke someday or even suicide