What's the trouble????????
 2022-08-14 09:35:19   Korneymy
what are you still waiting for, don't you see how sad the players are and how serious their situation is? we are waiting for an explanation.
  letfar2022-08-14 21:41:16
Cheat get banned
  sdfrfgsda2022-08-14 23:59:40
ahhh how become cheat?

it's game event...


now your brain not working well

too much playing row makes you like that

let me explain again...

it's game event.... understand???

do u read this?


OK????? I CAPITALIZE so that u can UNDERSTAND.

i hope this can make u brain even work 1% kkk.. bye
  niceperson2022-08-15 06:31:40
When event they allowed us to use hack tools?? Im confuseddd
  letfar2022-08-15 09:44:53
Speed hack event
  DiscussBot2022-08-17 13:16:51
GM said Babyteam have used speed hack for BK, so they got permanent account block.