Make Mid tower giving medals
 2022-05-26 01:57:32   EllaCk
Mid tower should give medals after solid.

Come on, this is so boring,wasting pots.

1 Hour war:

45min waiting at MID 

15min farming guards. 

  dpscksxjsdf2022-05-26 11:14:34
good idea
  row9992022-05-26 18:35:01
oh yesss got someone same me think medals better than we join for nothing !
  lilyly2022-05-26 20:02:26
Medal This is a very pointless act
Increases the difficulty of column breakage
The difficulty is best to be as difficult to destroy as the 4 island kings
Added rewards for pillars, not just experience points
And add more elements of the battlefield
Do not add king monsters to the battlefield
No one will fight the king monster in the battlefield
Please use the official mind
  EllaCk2022-05-26 21:53:55
Yes liyly; algo Agree with you, the point here it’s to make people get out of camp, why stay there being stunned by guards and get itens broken? The Race inside camp loves it, KSing guards earning free fame and medals.