This server becoming a total failure
 2022-05-18 22:34:02   EllaCk
-Main war no more players, 20/20 ?? Shame.

- Server full of farmers 24/7 on same spot, casual players cant lvl up or farm because if those farmers get killed they call a gang to keep bother until you give up.

-Not a single gm online (Never ever)

-No support

-No events ( Always the same events which all also a failure).

ty all 

  niceperson2022-05-19 01:11:14
GM]Master 2022-05-06 10:38:06
Not all of your views are correct.
The strengths of the official server are security and honest service.

  niceperson2022-05-19 01:12:02

  letfar2022-05-19 17:33:46
Mk crying and playing low sw with aaa gear lolol
  SamTheRune2022-05-22 19:11:41
me at KR also use AAA gear to kill this MK you should go L help us
KR and MK also crying play L sw