A letter to GM
 2022-05-12 07:53:45   dogbrain
The game master only do webdraw events, make costumes...

Row is a game loved by a lot of people, you guys need to create content, quests that need to be done with a party of players, so they can get tgd and enjoy the game again.

I love this game, but its on it last breaths.

I will metion this comment again.

Thank you jakira you wrote something that is true. Private servers have much more content than row has. GM only do the same over and over again.

We love the game so much but they dun seem to care or dun have money to improve.


GM have you tried the private server start with Wxxx ? if you tried it you will know your game is very outdated compare to that server (not the content but the game mode i mean), people nowadays only focuses on fighting, not leveling anymore. Also, your game popularity is very low and no give high reward enough for people to want to form party with other people, most people only solo leveling that makes the game even look deadly compare to private server, they leveling together to hit mini bosses around the map to get exp balls etc. Why would people choose to play solo leveling on online games and have 0 interaction with other players ? only fight together during wartime ? they could choose to play single player game that has good story and find a time to play moba game like dota2. You can't even design a proper game mechanic to keep the players stay together, not to mention any future big projects, all you did is provide gambling item, custom on every updates that doesn't benefit to all the players whose been supporting the game for many years. Literally no new content whatsoever for many years, shame on you and shame on people supporting the game, now i switched to maplestory that at least i have 100 of spells for my 3 jobs that i can change with, your game and 1 job character only have 2-4 spells max, and most active spell only have 2 spells, now is year 2022 already u still think year 2002 people will enjoy 24hours with only 2 active spells... go face the reality and fix your game. I want to slap your face hard because i love this game, and hope the game will improve, if no improvement i will just walk away.


I'm not encouraging you guys to play private server, because they might cryto mining with your computer, monitoring and spying on your files and social media and the worse is they might steal your other internet account, digital wallet etc. All i want to say is i want this GM to face the problem and have improvement of this game. If you guys think this game is boring might as well do the same like me, go switch to other official games. Please do not support other private server, because it brings no benefit to the 'actual content creators'.

  testdel2022-05-12 17:30:51
@Jakira123 you know that this is also a "private" server right?
Instead of bashing people who are actively developping the game and adding new stuff you say that they might steal your stuff or crypto mine with your pc.
But rowplayon does only take your money for gambling and resets the game every here and then. The item system in ROW is flawed and hard to catch up from new players. There are people selling bugged gold for real cash here and make a good living off it.
The only fun part about ryl is the pvp, aka the engame. All other servers provide the end game in a fast way and allows the play to enjoy the game. Here is only see max 4pt vs 4pt while i see on other servers over 300 people. This is because you do not need to farm months and months in a boring pve world to enjoy the endgame. Go figure
  Kappa0012022-05-17 21:38:27
1 year worth of sub for WOW also cant get costume.
Greedy ass bitch GM milking us for 20 years old game