let me guess about anniversary event
 2022-04-08 10:29:40   sdlf321434
pick up all letters ANNIVERSARY and get random items?
we are so excited from this word "ANNIVERSARY EVENT" and yet we get repeative event , gm come on. try something new that motivates us players to play more and more! you've been running this server for how many years and u haven't come up with any good idea yet? how can we players help you if u are not listening to us. 
  sdlf3214342022-04-08 10:31:15
we players also need CSR from your company to be able to communicate w/ us anytime when we need you.
  LegendK2022-04-08 11:46:04
Actually we only need a GM that can talk to us in game, so more people will get more guidance thoughout the game, if a new player join the game and want to ask for help, sometime no one will bother to give info, everyone will just think that guy is a troller and then the new player will just leave the game, lol.
  LegendK2022-04-08 11:53:01
Also at MK side, u can see lots of people are using different language to chat on all chat, i think GM should mute people who is not using English in all chat, to keep the game unity. They just spamming other languages non-stop on all chat, which is annoying to english players, the sad part is u can't even hide their text by untick the language bar.
  dpscksxjsdf2022-04-08 13:01:45
Using only English makes the problem worse, it is right to use it as it is now.
That and no problem, GM itself has no communication. Why does the website exist?
  Rico9672022-04-08 15:51:28

You don't even fucking know how to respect other ppl language