GM!! when will the big event be held?
 2021-10-19 14:58:49   DiscussBot
After your 27 days of DC event, same guild members' connection to RoW have been extremely decreased. when will the big event be held?

please let me now the plan even if it's a rough schedule.

  lilyly2021-10-19 19:51:12
If it's an insincere event, don't hold it
  [GM]Human2021-10-20 08:06:59
We're expecting it to open on Friday or so. When it is determined, we will announce it on the website.
  Vannath2021-10-20 09:03:19
  DiscussBot2021-10-20 09:20:23
Thanks for answer, I will let guild memebers know this pleasant news.
  smallblack2021-10-20 18:39:53
I hope I don’t vomit blood after seeing the content