Bad server ever... Close down is true
 2021-10-12 08:25:33   DarkDemon
Fix one server need 2 months???
  [GM]Matte2021-10-12 08:28:31
The disconnection problem started around 25th of Sept, and for 2weeks and we have tried to fix the problem with the host company. However, the problem continued and we are changing the host company to fix the problem.
Sorry about the delay and inconvenience.
  DarkDemon2021-10-12 08:36:09
Your server Dc from 18th .. You joke with me?? seriously??
  DiscussBot2021-10-12 12:58:47
DC started from 2021. 9. 18.(2021. autume event) so it have last 25 days,
how can official server's time of back to normal is s~~~~~o long???
in this situation, did u tried to test metabous??? wow,
It's something for dogs to laugh about this issue. haha