Please rest for a While!!
 2021-10-03 23:53:35   Puki4you

Holla amigo,

As the server now have issue with connection,it is advisable to take this time to rest a while, it's probably going to continue Dc and lost connection for quite some time, maybe 1 week,2 week's or another 1 month, because if you continue to play in this bad situation, some additional problem might occurre,like losing your item while the game disconnect unusually. And when you report to GM about you losing item,they will banned your I'd,if they found out that you are sharing I'd with any other player.  Or that your I'd has been open by some unauthorized people, even if you say you didn't share the I'd with any one else, you have no Prove.. still you losing your item is not as bad as the whole I'd and other Sub I'd will be ban officially, by then crying blood also useless. So take this opportunity to rest and best is to get vaccinated at nearest clinic if you haven't take your shot, take care all,and Rest in Peace. 

CHu.... PAaaaa...Piiiii.....




  Anon14122021-10-05 07:12:18
Rest in Peace indeed xD
  [GM]Human2021-10-05 11:13:47
We're sorry for the frequent disconnection.
We're currently trying to migrate our server, but it takes some time physically.
We will finish the process as soon as possible.
If item loss was concluded to be caused by the server disconnection, we can recover them. Sharing an ID is not prohibited but is not recommended as we cannot give support.