what is the compensation of DC?
 2021-09-23 15:57:23   huskyvoice
At least, Operation team should give a compensation for DC to Gold Ticket & Gold Box(cash item, not a free item) user who had lost the 5 hours x 5 days time of 50% boost.

Is it reasonable to compensate to these people?

GM what do u think about??

  Recovery2021-09-23 18:48:31
They literally just deleted their news regarding the disconnection from the past few days as if nothing ever happened. You think they actually bothered to compensate? This problem isn't about KR or MK, they put up an event that cause more inconvenience than enjoyable moment. I have never played a game that disconnect their players for 4-5 days without any further instruction or any slight of sense of responsibility from them.
Now that they have remove their previous announcement and continue as if the past few days were not their responsibility and put the blame on the server host. Expecting compensation? Just give it up.
  HKHuman2021-09-23 23:44:26
GM said.. There There click mall item and buy it more.. i dont care.. just want earn money