Need Compensation for Super Frequent Disconnection
 2021-09-18 15:11:27   huskyvoice
GM and Operation Team must compensate for this DC problem~ Why users should suffer from incompetence of GM and Operation Team??
  DiscussBot2021-09-18 16:08:46
Angry users should receive in-game compensation. ex) 500 mall points etc
  smallblack2021-09-18 16:12:43
An incompetent team will only damage the rights of players
  HKHuman2021-09-18 16:14:10
impossible Gm will give u point... GM wish you donate USD more than they give u point....
Only kids still believe in this server GM to do it better.. Impossible

  Thomas2021-09-19 11:01:30
Angry Users should Chill and take a number wait turn