Q) Why Rune Rot Dot damage doesn't awake Stun
 2021-09-11 11:17:12   DiscussBot
1. Current Situation. 

 A) When Human got Rot's Dot damage every 279 damage(to LV93 human players) for 13 sec,Rot's every 279 dot damage break Cleric/Priest/Sorcere/Enchanter's Skill Casting when manacell isn't protect 4 classes by broken. so it make 4 classes use Casting Potion (5 medal, not cheap price)

 B)  When Human Got every 279 Dot damage for 13 sec, Then Human got Stun by Shock or Flash or Acient Cell, => every 279 Dot damage doesn't awake Stunned Human, Stun maintain eventhough 279 Dot damage for 13sec is absolutely phisical attack(damage).

 C) Rot's Dot damage break mage / acolyte's casting, but Dot damage doesn't awake Stun. -_-;;  => As a normal brain, I can't understant this situation.

2. Question to RoW Operation Team(GM).

Above explained  A) , B) and C) situaion is intended game development or mistake of  sep up or Bug??

3. What I want to say to RoW Operation Team (GM)

It's not a time to test metabous museum/jewel event, this is time to fix this unreasonable game evironment. and make new equipments and monsters. 

  DiscussBot2021-09-11 11:19:58
RoW Operation Team(GM)
please explain this situation, is it bug or intended game set-up??
  huskyarm2021-09-11 12:20:24
Rot's Dot damage breaks casing of cleric/priest/Sorcerer/enchanter, but Dot damage doesn't awake stunned enemy. So ridiculous haha
  boxbox2021-09-11 12:35:10
mk farming and upgrade everyday, and kr just hunting and complaining everyday in forum and expect to win easy in sw.

=> As a normal brain, I can't understand this situation too
=> If you dont believe what i say, suggest you buy a teleport to map4 and walk from mc to rc.
=> Good luck and have fun
  HaveFun2021-09-11 12:58:43
That's right.
  BabyThork2021-09-11 13:20:36
Normal SW:

I play 60min get stun 45min
Now Rot can brean/unstun for enemy haha. So funny story

So 60min play 45min now up to 55min 60min get stun ??? and i go SW for what???

SW = Statue War or "Stun War" ???

sometime only notice about skill and no see yourself why so noob.

just 1 item Pro in noob. also noob. because only want to solo with many and no have teammate and any teamwork.

and waitting for win. So your skill can stronger 10% or stun more 1s for???
OR use pot + 100% damg + 100% crit can solo with 1 vs 10???

And later more complain when lose and GM fix???

So who up item Top and win > GM will nerf that side > So pro players or Rich players make item for waiting Nerf skill???

Remember your class, Your style Play, Class special Ability and apply it.
1 Archer cant win any class But 1 archer can kill all class if he know his Position.
and others.

Last post i also told about defender and attacker.
With Defender is tank and want skill stronger attacker. really so LOL.

Poor brains.
  toughseller2021-09-11 19:30:59
Babythork u need to improve english, i have no idea what youre on about half the time.
  Rico9672021-09-14 04:12:00
Ya, DogThrok english worse than Google translate .... I dont know how the hell could get stun for 60 minutes ... He put hack on his own ???

Jump on me pls, it's shows how important I am for baby team~~~

Indeed, I am Aquasenna, (Please dun call me Aquasera again)

LOL ~~
  BabyThork2021-09-14 13:24:13

Yes me noob English that is true.

But i know stupid only Blame GM just noob and got dirty mouth.

Ingame has been killed like a Dog, Run and Run, When BABY team coming and said call out. irgnore babyteam haha.

Hey bro, can do something??? 10 vs 10???
ah ah ok. Aquasera haha.

i No cry like noob. i just tell the truth ingame MK side now 60 min is stun almost 45min. but i can still kill Noob Aquasenna Easy.

And jump ok???

Pls no change name early. we are playing with you soon hahaha.

And about toughseller 2021-09-11 19:30:59
Babythork u need to improve english, i have no idea what youre on about half the time.

Me noob english but i know the skill game, the style play ok??

No crying in forum and like at baby.
the war not For baby cry