Defender |
2021-09-02 17:27:14 Recovery
Why is it so hard to find a strong defender now or they are just generally weak in this server? If I remember correctly there used to be a few strong defender but now none of them remain.
Atlas420 | 2021-09-03 00:03:38 |
Defenders here are bunch of noobs who try to copy Warrior. |
BigBuff | 2021-09-03 13:45:35 |
then if you don't mind @Atlas420, would you mind sharing an ideal build for defender? skill-wise and stats-wise. thank you in advanced |
huskyvoice | 2021-09-05 19:19:04 |
defender's "shared pain" skill is so suck compared
with attacker's "drain power". these skill are only range skill what DD have. But the effect is so different. 1. Attacker's drain power 4-6 skill . - damage: normal Attack arm hit damage x 4 . - recover HP amount: + damage's 120% . - range: 5m . - cooltime: 7sec(124 dex) 2. Defender's "shared pain" 4-6 skill . - damage: between 2,362~3,543 -> random damage . - losing Defender's HP: -1,968 HP . - range: 14m . - cooltime: 7sec(124dex) |
huskyvoice | 2021-09-05 19:24:12 |
effect of skill between drain power and shared
pain so shocking different. Attacker recover + HP(damage's 120%) by using skill. But defender lose - HP 1,968 by using skill. in this situatuon, who would select the defender, who will say it is well balanced? |
huskyvoice | 2021-09-05 19:29:05 |
Attacker's drain range: 5m(x) -> 4m(O), sorry my miss typing. |
BabyThork | 2021-09-06 12:41:41 |
effect of skill between drain power and shared
pain so shocking different. Attacker recover + HP(damage's 120%) by using skill. But defender lose - HP 1,968 by using skill. in this situatuon, who would select the defender, who will say it is well balanced? Notice : Attacker Range: 5m Defender range: 14m So if u t teamwork: responbility of Defender is what??? 1 vs 10? See the name of class and style play. IF u want to damg. Come Side akkan and play attacker then compare. If u have team. Only Grease (1.1) just got Grease and dead only in 1s. No compare damg with others class. So if u see MK and my team is KR and i use Defender with 10 vs 1 ( My team 10) and u use attacker. I just use Pain skill and afk. waiting for my team 9 person kill u. How many % u can run? How about Drain blood can do? |
BabyThork | 2021-09-06 12:48:30 |
Up to Players and have style play difference?
we can choose. I Like Attacker i come play Attacker for good DD I like Defender i come play Defender for good tank. everythings is Team First. Only Item 30b normals players also a lord of Killer or Supporter. Just remember it if u got team understand u and teamwork. BUt if u got item 500b. and think u are lord of players. and no die. GG ^^ |
huskyvoice | 2021-09-06 18:22:59 |
- Defender's shared pain 4-6 actual hit damage
= 396 ~ 1,575 hit damage (skill hit damage 2,362 - 1,968hp ~ skill hit damage 3,543 - 1,968hp) - Attacker's drain power 4-6 actual hit damage = 6,600 (when atracker's normal arm hit damage is 750, -> skill hit damage 3,000 + recover 3,600hp) |
huskyvoice | 2021-09-06 18:24:11 |
sick of team spirits~
if u have a brain, whici skill will u choose? |
huskyvoice | 2021-09-06 18:28:19 |
at least, Drain Power' s amount of recover HP from 4~5 map should be limited 5,000 hp, because attacker is not a healer, he is a dd. |
huskyvoice | 2021-09-06 18:43:53 |
cf) Attacker's Shockwave and Defender's Full swing are same skill.
. - damage: normal hit damae x 4.5 times(two skills are not applied by improved critical skill book) . - range: same AoE 5m - cooltime:. same 10sec(124dex) |
SlurpSlurpyy | 2021-09-07 01:04:29 |
master row love MK.. power up shockwave , but no power up defender |
BabyThork | 2021-09-07 02:15:52 |
OK u win
Defender need drain blood and skill damg higher Attacker !!! Really useless for compare like this !!! Want play 100% attack but In body Defenders lol. Later u must compare Templar with Warrior. And more others. so funny. Dont know meaning of style Class play and compare A with B. Only the Name class also told the reason. Attacker Must tank and Defender must High damg... hahaha. so LOL Compare... GG noob. |
boxbox | 2021-09-07 10:34:16 |
You just see what you wanted.
Defender benefit :- -Higher hp def ( with 204 con extra 10k white hp and 4xx white def extra than attacker, and you expect to have the exactly same skill and damage) -Share pain is pure damage, when u compare the attacker that hit 6-10k to S set, why dont u compare some normal set def can deal 3k dmg to top set mk. As the above, perhaps you can ask hades how he can solo full map with a good 2hand blade, if you telling me he quit now, then you should look at his armor , others mks have extra 3xx def and 3k hp compare to his armor set. Many Krs thinking attacker strong but never think about the weak side, most archer and sin can 1hit you, less than 5 attacker can survive 1boom. Come join attacker if you think so easy lol. |
boxbox | 2021-09-07 10:35:56 |
May be the drain skill is abuse by some attacker in farm map, but its never strong as you think in sw. |
huskyvoice | 2021-09-07 13:03:27 |
The reason why defender is the least users is that ridiculous
losing HP skill, shared pain. => 24 skill points, Shared Pain 4-6's Actual damage is only 985 hit damage . (a. Average of share pain hit damage 2,362 ~ 3,543 = 2,953 . b. losing defender's HP = - 1,968 . c. actal hit damage= 2,953 - 1,968 = 985 d. It expain why Defender is the least popular class among DD) |
huskyvoice | 2021-09-07 13:08:57 |
if templer should select only one skill between 'shared pain' and 'fast hit' who will select actual damage is only 985 hit shared pain????? |
huskyvoice | 2021-09-07 13:17:40 |
Operation Team and GM should analyze why specific one class's popularities are so low and need patch.
Shared pain 4-6 losing HP amount should be reduced 50% of recent situation(- 1,968 HP). |
6546fee | 2021-09-07 15:13:00 |
Using drain power in war is almost useless Unable to get 120% hp back duh
Rico967 | 2021-09-09 04:25:11 |
@ DogThrok
Talk like a dog pro, why not you talk about this with Kei and Popo blade? |
BabyThork | 2021-09-09 13:20:45 |
still no quit Game noob???
In war die how many time Aquasera??? Your Mouth still smell dirty ... and you compare what is it??? If i no wrong u see my team almost run??? gogo call your team and come PVP in SW. BABY Team waiting you ok??? ah remember take your ID come also. Because if i see you. First kill is You and first Jump is 10 person jump you ok ... Dirty Mouth noob. ( Aquasera ) |
CoBeBanDiem | 2021-09-09 14:57:28 |
hahahah stupid aquasera :))) |
CoBeBanDiem | 2021-09-09 15:06:55 |
Ur mom only say u :"when talk with other only hide fucking face" please post real name in game please |
toughseller | 2021-09-09 16:43:40 |
Who is huskyvoice he always have constructive and objective comments even since row ichiman server. I remember reading his views glad to have him bacm in kr |
toughseller | 2021-09-09 16:43:50 |
I hope he is playing kr... |
Rico967 | 2021-09-10 00:06:43 |
@ DogThork
Btw, Kr team won't fight with a bunch of dog that only able to play H2 ..... What a covard |
BabyThork | 2021-09-10 01:07:55 |
A B C X Y Z.
BABY TEAM ... Runnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. CALL OUT CALL OUT. FAST FAST. Noob Aquasera |
Anon1412 | 2021-09-12 04:37:36 |
@Toughseller - Yea, I have no idea as well. I remembered seeing him a lot in the RoW Ichiman forum discussion before. Most of the time, he provides a lot of good information on the table to be discussed/shared. One of the things that I can still remember up till now is when I asked him about Dex and he presented all there is to know about Dex in detail and very precisely. I still have that information saved in my cloud storage. I am glad too being able to see him here. |
BabyThork | 2021-09-13 20:03:25 |
huskyvoice 2021-09-06 18:24:11 sick of team spirits~ if u have a brain, whici skill will u choose? huskyvoice 2021-09-06 18:28:19 at least, Drain Power' s amount of recover HP from 4~5 map should be limited 5,000 hp, because attacker is not a healer, he is a dd 18 month when i back playing this game. i see MK all lose war only KR win and 3 tower. So what u want to this time??? waiting Nerf skill cleric??? why not imporve your item then compare. S set want to pvp with Set 200 400 600b??? and 1 more. about teamwork, about team position. Dont only focus 1 skill and think can change the world. Win or Lose not only defender. Just a small, piece for win. Ice sorc also. Only compare. Lose compare win hahaha, noob MK. want pvp just tell me. 10 vs 10 gogo |
BabyThork | 2021-09-13 20:04:56 |
i faming nonstop in 1 years and improve all my item
then i make a team by myself with permission of my leader Guild and make 1 party for me Leader. i never complain KR win. If 80 KR vs 60 MK No need brains also know KR win?? Teamwork pls. Item good Pls. |
Rico967 | 2021-09-21 01:08:37 |
What the f*ck you saying , dog Throk ... I trying to understand you ..... Explain this phrase pls ....
"then i make a team by myself with permission of my leader Guild and make 1 party for me Leader." |