BOYCOT SW!! keep spam MK ..good luck
 2021-07-07 18:46:26   OPShehe




Thank you for supporting the ROW.

ROW is a game of wars.

One of the essences of ROW is the Statue War.

In the Statue War, it is possible that one race may win frequently, and there are a variety of tactics to fight off in i.e., by adjusting party members.

Sometimes Ak’kan loses, and recently Humans has started to have a tough time within the Statue War.

It is the user's choice to boycott or participate in war. 

However, the operation team can’t help but give the same answer to the reports about imbalances or inequalities. 

The ROW team cannot force users to participate in the Statue Wars. 

Only we can give some more benefits such as an increased reward for medal tower, EXP tower to the winning race to boost the involvement in the game, just like we have been doing from the past. 

Please understand that this is the economy of the game as well as the freedom.

Also, we are meaning to give various benefits for compensation for the PVP.

There are no advantages or disadvantages for boycotting wars.

The operation team will increase the benefits to encourage users’ participation just like we have done in the past; the ones who boycott may not receive the benefits.

Thank you.

Best Regards/ ROW Team

  HKHuman2021-07-07 20:04:16
Bye bye cry cry kid calling mama..