Protect your account.
 2023-05-16 21:09:21   MASTERGM

Thank you for all ROW players.

We are preparing the source and prevention of all bug items occurring in the game.

Most of the known issues have been resolved, and all personal information and evidence of malicious users are being secured.

We warned against trading unfair (bug) items.

Users can easily purchase items. However, you should have been careful according to the latest notice.

If you see an item in question in the future, please do not purchase or attempt to purchase. We will check all records in the future so that there may be issues.

Currently, users who have purchased bug items have been banned.

1. Accounts that are aware of the bug item and try to hide the item will be permanently suspended.

2. Users who confirmed that it was a bug and sold it to an NPC shop will have their be unban.

3. Other accounts will be processed after additional confirmation.

ROW promotes a fair game.

Protect your own account. Do not trade items with odd prices or unknown history.

Please do not buy gold from Korean community. It will be tracked and permanently banned.

thank you